Author's Bio
Bruce Cockburn sings an apt line in one of his songs, "I've been so many people the magnetic strip has worn thin." Likewise, the author has lived many lives, working in a surprising number of very different industries in cities and towns across the United States. She practiced law for fifteen years, managed a small town library, negotiated and managed contracts in the environmental engineering, Defense Department and IT fields, was a d.j. for a public radio station in a Mexican border town, where she co-hosted a Big Band Swing show and had the nerve to read Spanish poetry, was a university professor, a luxury resort concierge and historian, a high-end waterfront apartment community manager, a substitute teacher for all ages, including special needs' children, and an organic farmer, among many other diverse vocations. Widowed young, (left, above) she raised four children. Now that they are grown, she is writing and traveling.
Amy is blogging at and merrily invites you to travel along.