Spring Again!

Mid-March and the Golden Asian Pear tree awakens. The magic of Spring: first the faint coloring of the tree branches stretching alive again into the cold wintry sky; then another thin layer of color painting them as these buds open too subtly to discern. We almost perceive their energy in auras shimmering against the bright blue sky and suddenly, just around the bend, the burst of blooms, some full white cotton balls, others, delicate fuschia blossoms, tree after tree, and at the edge of the woods, creeping ever closer to the road are bushes of golden petals laden heavily with nearly-liquid sunshine. Rabbits dart, birds swoop and twitter. Another week of cold nights and soon the song of the peepers will fill the hollow. A collective sigh of relief: we have made it through the interminable stretches of gray skies that deadened every last dream, mentally trudged through the heavy gloom, railing against the biting chill we felt would take us down for good this time, cursing ourselves for living the cycle of the four seasons rather than in an ever-lovely tropical clime. But there is something in the rhythm, that once accustomed to, one needs. The rebirth to shake off the death, the lovely ease of summer, the glorious melancholia of darkening reeds and flaming trees...and then the ice, the long dark nights. 

Adieu for now.