Angels and Faeries
This might be a good place for a brief discussion of possible mentors. Rose, Joe’s psychic or as is a more popular term today, "intuitive healer" who channels Evie’s spirit and otherwise helps Joe clear his auric field through chakra clearing and homeopathic remedies like the Bach Flower Essences, relies on the divine guidance of angels and fairies.
are likewise books and cards for divination in these fields too, to
either augment your guidance by power animals or replace it with the
energy that more closely aligns with your ready understanding.
Virtue is well known for her work in interpreting divine guidance
through opening an awareness to the voices of angels and for teaching
who the various angels are and how they can be of particular help in
times of trouble or questioning. I am pretty sure she even has a phone
app; I met someone recently…and believe me, when she walked in the room,
I knew though I have no idea how, that angels had sent her, and I think
she told me she had this on her phone. If you are interested, check it
out. She also offers guidance on communicating with fairies and a pack
of cards for that.
There are other intuitives out there as well. You may have one you can connect with in your hometown.
are recognized by many religions and are recognized to have certain
associations as well as attributes. Two good books, which correlate
certain angels with their positions on the Tree of Life are Ted Andrew's
treatment, admittedly a new age interpretation of the Qabala, his book
"Simplified Magic" (as discussed earlier, magical rituals require the
systematic construct of the cosmos and the Tree of Life is just that)
and that based on the oral tradition of the French philosopher and
spiritual master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov set forth in the Izvor
Collection "Angel and other Mysteries of the Tree of Life."
though I am very familiar with angels as mentoring spirits, my only
experience with fairies has been in my childhood in the meadow and later
in life, outside on my farm. I think of them in the nature spirit and
elemental spirit category, with Pan and Demeter and only really
comprehend in that vein when I am outside working, which I haven’t been
for a number of years, so this is not something I can offer too much
guidance on apart from advising you to seek other resources. There are
many beautiful groups who celebrate the nature spirits in powerful ways,
including those who practice biodynamic agriculture – and here I refer
you to the works of Rudolf Steiner, father of the Waldorf School, the
Celts, and the Wiccans and many more.
people, who are not comfortable with a patriarchal father as God or
Allah or Zeus, or due in large part to their the temperamental wielding
of power and threatening ways and who also have no particular
inclination to develop a relationship with angels or fairies or power
animals or spirit guides, simply ask the Universe for help.
the philosophy of biodynamics is based on the belief that the entire
universe is a single living organism, capable of acting, reacting and
interacting with itself. This encompasses the new age notion, also
embraced by many modern physicists that men are not only created but
have the ability to create and to co-create reality.