Feng Shui
I don't recall that if feng shui (fung shway) is overtly mentioned in this novel, past perhaps an observation of energy flow or lack thereof in a house or a passing remark that a secret arrow was shooting up someone's doorsteps.
shui, literally translated, "wind and water" is all about the flow of
energy. In the Oriental world of energy perception, in order for
wholeness and balance to be achieved, a space must embrace all five
elements that make up the cosmos, in a comfortable proportion to allow
free passage of the life energy, "chi.". These five elements are wood,
fire, earth, metal and water.
roots of this concept are Taoistic, “Tao” means the way of nature and
the purpose of utilizing concepts of feng shui is to have our personal
environment reflect the harmony of the natural environment. If all is in
harmony and energy flows freely, then happiness and abundance will
follow suit as it does in nature.
there is an imbalance inside, too much metal and no wood for example,
the place feels sterile and creative impulses may never come to
fruition. If the exterior is mishmash of elements that do not balance
each other, but rather look as though they were simply stuck awkwardly
together or is weighted on one side by a huge first floor garage, then
the living space as whole may be problematic. Or looking at the house
from the street it is super sweet architecturally but a tree in the
front yard blocks the view of the entry way, fragmenting the image and
sending a secret arrow shadow into the entrance of the house, where
negative spirits can easily enter. They will mess you up.
you want good fortune, like attracting the opposite sex, well do the
obvious. Plant pretty flowers at your front door. Though there are
feng shui masters, reputedly high prices and in high demand in some
cities, you can use common sense in contemplating beauty and harmony,
employing a few artful tricks if necessary, like placing a mirror where
the secret arrow is leading and you, too can create a lovely creative