Slaughter on the Farm (Five Minutes #27)

I live alone, deep in the Appalachian Mountains. People often sigh and say, “I envy you. It must be…

Five Minutes on the Farm #25 September Reverie

Sorry, Mr. Darcy... and Five or uh, ten Minutes on the Farm #26

A pre-winter chill has worked its way into my ankle surgical site...and while I didn't sleep la…

Five Minutes on the Farm #24 The River

Anti-Corruption Legislation

email sent August 26, 2020 to Dear Senator: I t is obvious that we need t…

Summer 2020

Stuff I did since coming home, except that someone else replaced the roof.

Faith based organizations in the US and their historical role in Refugee Resettlement

Faith based organizations in the US and their historical role in Refugee Resettlement for CWS Refuge…