Frohe Weihnachten aus Wien

Clarity and Calm

The clarity of the water of the canals in Copenhagen.  The streamlined boardwalks winding up and ar…

Lisbon, Portugal

Downing a couple cold beers while listening to an African band on a terrace above the city as the …

Lisbon - life is but a dream

Lisbon, the tilting candle in the window, orange flame flickering.  Not far from her cozy port, un…

All Hallows Eve, All Souls Day, All Saints Day

Boo. And on top of all …

Environmental articles

Sunset - last night - October 11th.  Happy birthday T.L* . I'm in a political mood this mornin…

Maple Syrup and Snakes

I should have taken pictures of the tin buckets tapped onto the maples along the road through the …

Winter Sunsets

Home. Bundled up on the front porch swing watching daylight fold into night.  Along Skyline Drive …

creepy encounters on a cold rainy night in paris

Yes, this is a real cemetery photographed from what appeared to be a blood-drenched bridge. I delet…