How to Save the World, Advance Spiritually through Mindfulness, and Become a MultiMillionaire in a Few Quick Years

Photo of sea otters holding hands while sleeping taken by Joe Robertson from Austin, TX, USA CC by …

Quilts over the years

I came upon this old photo and realized that I've made a lot of quilts over the years, many wor…


Ecotourism is a marketing term aimed at travelers concerned about the environmental and social impa…

Transforming a Plastic World

For an historical perspective on just how recently plastic entered our lives, enjoy  this clip from …

Billboard Education

So... I've been thinking about how to educate people about the impact of their choices on the e…

Expanding the definition of street art

Street Art 2022

The Riesenrad ferris wheel in Vienna's Prater. Vienna is a city like no other. Historic and pro…